Recent news

The Music Program Continues
We wanted to share that we will restart our Music Program starting on April 7th. The following teachers have wonderfully stepped forward to support our program in the wake of our tragedy until the end of the school year:
Orchestra.....Karen VanDeventer
Band.............Sadie Sontag
Chorus.......... Laura Chroniger
Guitar.............Gretchen Johnsrud
Recorders.....Kelly Butler
Please note there may be a few changes in time or date of the program at your site. Your principal will be sending out that information to you. As to next year, we will be posting an opening for a Music Teacher position later in April to begin service for the 14-15 school year.
As we have stated, we will always remember our magnificent music teacher Sue Hufford, and in her name the Mark West School District is committed in continuing our Musical Program.